Talks and Events
Joanne gives various talks throughout the year. To arrange a speaking event, use the contact page. For recorded events and podcasts, see the Youtube playlist below.
See links below to purchase tickets.
(all times BST unless otherwise noted).
Thomas More: Life and Death
Tudors and Stuarts Weekend 2025\
Date: Saturday 26 April 2025, 11:30-12:30
Venue: Augustine House | AHg.27
There are few figures in English history as divisive as Thomas More; he is worshipped as a saint and reviled as a persecutor. This talk by Joanne Paul – author of a forthcoming biography of More – will present new evidence about More’s upbringing, court connections and political beliefs, with the aim of re-evaluating his divided legacy. Participants will also be given a new perspective on More’s fall - his trial and execution at the hands of the king he served, Henry VIII. Separating myth from solid evidence, the talk will seek to discover the heart and mind of the historic More.
Book tickets here.
Thomas More: Man, Myth and Mystery
Harvington History Festival 2025
Date: Thurs 24th July 1.30pm
Saintly scholar, zealous persecutor, ambitious statesman - who was the ‘real’ Thomas More? Neither the hero of Man For All Seasons nor the villain of Wolf Hall, this talk recovers the living, breathing, complex historical individual who walked London’s streets, wrote Utopia, and daringly spoke truth to Henry VIII. Drawing on new archival research from her biography of More, Dr Joanne Paul will separate the man from the myth to discover the real Thomas More. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of the sixteenth century to separate fact from fiction and uncover the enduring legacy of one of history's most enigmatic and divisive figures.
Book tickets here.